Meep Peeps!

My cats on my list.  He's on my list because it woke me up at 5 o'clock in the morning.  He was meowing so loudly.  It wasn't a normal meow.  No, that would be cute.  This was a wierd one.   I think he had some sort of furball in his throat.  Then  later on I sat next to him and what did he do, it clawed me!  Clawed me right in the arm!   Yup.  He's on my list alright.  And no cuteness in the world is enough to get him off this time!  Except maybe when he took a bath.  He was so cute wrapped up  in the towel shivering.   In one part of my head I was saying "Ha, Ha you're cold."  and in another side of my head I was saying "Aww, you're so cute." Does anyone else

3/5/2012 08:52:40 am

My cat meowmeow he well bites and claws me too. It's just cats way of talking. Cats aren't great talkers like dogs. Maybe he needs more food or wants to go outside

3/8/2012 11:43:25 pm

OMG lol all of your vids make me laugh so heard i meep!my fave vid by you is Patricks crush.its so funny!

3/20/2012 10:32:23 am

Thanx! :)

6/25/2012 12:11:02 am

did u drw ur imges?

9/12/2012 01:50:48 pm

I love dasiy and diego booboo and beeboo and allaboutmeep


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