Two weeks ago I started Summer camp.  When  I got there they sad hello and told me my "cubby" (motifying)  was in the hallway next to the Pre School class (What the?).  When  got to my cubby, I  saw a nametag inside (mortifying!).  So when no one was looking I threw it in a trash can.  What sort of camp did my parents send me to anyway????   

 I thought maybe that would be it for the baby stuff but the story of the day turned out to be the Three Little Pigs.  OMG!   I was in baby camp.  But guess what Baby campi s hysterical.  The little kids have to pee every five minutes.  One even wet his pants.... with water... I think  XD!   During snack time last week one of the teachers announced  that she did not want anyone to put their goldfish crackers in their juice.  I thought that was a silly instruction.  But then I saw about five kids giggling and  taking fish crackers out of their cups of juice.  

So I'm enjoying the little kids and now  I 'm kind of a helper.  They are doing cooler things with us older kids. We play on Ipads, do some crafts, run obstacle courses and are going to perform some skits next week.  This week  I drew some pictures of ocean creatures which the little kids are going to add sand art to.   

I guess, like all things in life, camp is what you make it. Fun can be found just about anywhere.