Did you ever think about the Easter bunny?  Think of it this way, its a giant bunny that comes around on Easter every year and poops candy filled  eggs in your backyard in random places.  Its not like he wants you to find them because then he would put them in obvious places, like a pile right in the middle of your backyard.  That would be awesome, easy and well, a lot less fun.

What if the Easter Bunny was a bad bunny who had to work on Easter for Community Service.  And because he is upset about having to work so hard on a holiday he decides to hide the eggs.  You know to be funny and a little bit mean.

Have you ever gone to a Pet Shopand  seen those adoreable bunnies and think, "They could never do something mean."  NOT TRUE I once went to Glamour Shots to take a picture with a real Easter Bunny and that rabbit chewed a hole right in my new dress.  I was so upset I took the picture without the bunny. 

Do you like Jelly beans?  I love Jelly beans almost as much as I love candy corn.  My favorite flavor is the pink one.  I think its strawberry.  You know what I should do, when my mom asks me what I want for dinner I should say "Beans.  Jelly beans.  With a side of corn.  candy corn."

104everag Racahel
4/24/2012 02:11:08 am

why cant you tell peaps your name

5/20/2012 03:32:03 am

because i cant say any personal information.

9/1/2012 10:53:08 am

Hi meep I'm not on youtube but I wanna be but me and my dolls love your shows an we are the same age I'm 11 to so ya post more bids please

9/9/2012 02:10:27 pm

That so cool I love your videos I'm 11 years old 2 I live in CA

9/9/2012 02:11:57 pm

I mean Canada

9/9/2012 02:13:56 pm

My bitty twins r so excited to see a new video if your doing home work I hope your getting A+ and have a meep sleep

Sushie domo
9/9/2012 02:15:53 pm

U should make a meep cake in the video

Bitty twins cookie
9/9/2012 02:17:40 pm

U should give us a tour on side of your room meep

7/17/2017 11:50:35 am

Hi all about meep I love your Channel it is really great please go to my YouTube channel it is wolfgirl12345 🐶🐕🐺🐩 you should watch it I love all of your characters I love them all


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