Diego:Oh, no.   I'm totally freaking out.  I somehow broke the baggy thingy.  I wonder if it was all of the bandaids we put on it.   Anyways when I woke up this morning I realized it had a big hole in it.  I got some glue and tried fixing it but it broke a little more.  Then I got hungry so I made a Poptart.  Wait that has nothing to do with this.  Miss Chrissa is going to be really upset with me.  This is just as bad as the time in Day Care when they let me take the class hamster home.  Lets just say hamsters don't swim... in toilets.

Daisy:  Today was a awesome day!   I pranked Diego by telling him that the catepillar died because the baggy thingy was broken.  I have the butterfly in BooBoo's old cage.  Its safe and sound.  Well sound at least.  Actually it doesn't make any sounds.  Its really quiet.  Like its not even there.  I wonder if its still there... I better check the cage.... Whaaaaaaaaaat the butterfly is gone. :(

BooBoo: Today was gweat!  I got a new fwiend.  Its a bwutterfly.  My mommy left it for me in my old cage.  I saw it and was like "OOOOHHHH!"  So now we are fwiends.  I wonder if they make wigs for bwutterflies?   How Cwool would that be! 
3/5/2012 08:49:31 am

Jackie....What is a catapiller

3/30/2012 08:15:05 am

Hannah it turn to a butterfly

9/11/2012 08:24:20 am

That so funny

5/26/2014 12:27:01 am

I know it is so funny...!


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