Dear Diary,

Diego: I invited a couple of the guys over to play dinosaurs.  I woke up early and cleaned my room.  Then  I found all of my dinos and gave my favorite dino, Spike, a bath so he would be nice and clean for my friends to see.  One of the kids I invited  is new to Meepland, his name is Matey Anchors.  He's some kind of pirate kid.  Anyway so Matey came over and brought cheeseballs... for my sister!  Then he spent the whole time not really looking at the dinosaurs and  staring at Daisy instead.   Then Patrick showed up and he ignored the dinosaurs too because he was more interested in the cheeseballs!  Patrick finally couldn't take it anymore and tried to eat Daisy's cheeseballs.  So Matey hit him in the face with a T-Rex and Patrick ran home.  You would think that's the end of it but it actually gets worse because Nunya and Pita showed up next looking like they just came from some kind of fashion show and  started giggling and acting wierd.  Nunya really got out of hand.  She was banging her head and even tried to ride a dino but fell off.  Ugh! New rule: NO GIRLS NEXT TIME!!!

Daisy: Whatever Diego!  So Diego invited some friends over to play dinos and I decided to stay and keep an eye on things while a checked my email.  Firstly: I did not ask Matey to bring me those cheeseballs!  Secondly: I was minding my own business and eating my cheeseballs like a lady when Patrick attacked me.  Seriously, he almost ate my head off.  Thank goodness Matey saved my life because Diego just sat there mumbling to himself while I was being attacked!  Then Nunya and Pita from Pre-K 1 showed up.  I didn't invite them.  I haven't even spoken to Nunya since she and Smartie attacked me in school last month.  All of a sudden there they are in my house dressed like divas!  If they had called me I would have put on my best diva outft too!  Anyway, they played with that new kid Matey and it was as if they forgot I was even in the room!  Whatever to you all! At least I got free cheeseballs!!!  By the way, I'm getting tired of being attacked.  First it was the crab at the beach, then Nunya, then Smartie and now Patrick.  I might need to hire a Body Guard! 

Daisy: Today was crazy! Me and Diego had a monster pillow fight with our new monster pillows! When Diego said start i went right for the head! WE were having so much fun until Sara came in and started screaming, "  Aaaaa! Stop fighting!!!!" And then she started running around the house like  a chicken with no head. i was like, "cool it sara!!!"!
Daisy: I'm a Diva and I know it! :)   Diego and I won the Best Bitty Twins award and funniest video in 104everags Contest.  Our mom (AllAboutMeep) is very proud.  She told us she is going to get us ice cream as a little treat.    I want strawberry which is pink and Diego wants chocolate.  Nunya wants Nunya Bizness and Pita wants what everyone else
BooBoo: OOOH! Today I * Found* A new friend! Well Daisy had this cage with a butterfly in it so I figured it was for me! Me and the butterfly went to the park and I bought her a balloon! She flew Up,And,Up,And Up,And Up, Untill I couldn't see her anymore. :(
Diego: THe search is still on because I still can't find butterfly! I am REALLY WORRIED!
Daisy: I wish I could tell Diego the truth and that I took the butterfly cause now I really can't find it! I'm sooo sad! :(
Diego:Oh, no.   I'm totally freaking out.  I somehow broke the baggy thingy.  I wonder if it was all of the bandaids we put on it.   Anyways when I woke up this morning I realized it had a big hole in it.  I got some glue and tried fixing it but it broke a little more.  Then I got hungry so I made a Poptart.  Wait that has nothing to do with this.  Miss Chrissa is going to be really upset with me.  This is just as bad as the time in Day Care when they let me take the class hamster home.  Lets just say hamsters don't swim... in toilets.

Daisy:  Today was a awesome day!   I pranked Diego by telling him that the catepillar died because the baggy thingy was broken.  I have the butterfly in BooBoo's old cage.  Its safe and sound.  Well sound at least.  Actually it doesn't make any sounds.  Its really quiet.  Like its not even there.  I wonder if its still there... I better check the cage.... Whaaaaaaaaaat the butterfly is gone. :(

BooBoo: Today was gweat!  I got a new fwiend.  Its a bwutterfly.  My mommy left it for me in my old cage.  I saw it and was like "OOOOHHHH!"  So now we are fwiends.  I wonder if they make wigs for bwutterflies?   How Cwool would that be! 
Dear Diary,
Diego: Well I found out what a Butterfly is and it IS NOT edible..At All! And plus it does not even go on a sandwich! Mrs.Chrissa brought in a 'butterfly'' but I think she brought in the wrong thing. I'm pretty sure she just brought in a worm! A worm that eats leaves! It is disgusting! This whole  butterfly thing is REALLY confusing. Sara said that she will help me but Daisy said not to trust her.
Daisy: Today I was watching Phineas And Ferb when I realized I should make my own clubhouse!a great idea I thought! I headed to the park and bruoght a cardbourd box ( bigger than me!) and some other supplies. When I was finished I thought it looked perfect! But then guess who came a long! SARA! The worst person to see at that time! She asked me "so where is you permit, Daisy'?!? "If you don't have a permit then I'm afraid I'm going to have to report to the police and they will find you and give you a fine and put you in Jail'! Then Katie came and saw Sara! Katie asked her,''Well do you have a permit to give out permits'? Then Sara left in fustration! It was so awesome you should have been there!
Dear Diary,
Diego: Pre-k is SO boring all we do is just sit down all day and learn...about the same stuff we learned the day before! Today Mrs.Chrissa told us that we have an upcoming project about butterflies! What the MEEP is a butterfly?!? Is it a stick of butter with wings? She said that we have to write about their life cycle! If me and Daisy are correct of what we think a butterfly might actaully be than would its life cycle be  FROM BUTTER TO BREAD TO SANDWICH!?! I'm so glad Sara's back.
Daisy: I'm starting to really hate Sara lately! Ok! THis is what happened: I was sitting down when she came over sayin ''Home work? Where is your homework Daisy!?!'' No one made her homework monitor but she does it anyway.When she got to Katie Katie just took the teacher's  ''Good Job'' stamp and stampted Sara right on the forehead! Sara was Furious! You should have seen how silly she looked with that stamp on her head! I was like HAHA! Then what we realized was that Ms.Chrissa didn't even give us homework! AAAAAAAAAAAA!
Dear Diary,
Diego: Today I saw the grossest thing ever! Mrs.Chrissa asked me to take home the butterfly and watch it transform. The first thing that went into my mind when she said 'Transform' was Transformers Prime. I love that show! But I thought how could the  worm butterfly transform into a robot if he is not even a car! But I took him home anyway! Then, I woke up and saw him in this weird.... bag like thingy! It kind of looked like "cat business".   I was almost sure he was dead! I could not return it DEAD! So I put a million band aids on that thingy! Oh no, I hope it heals!
Daisy: Today Before and After Fashion shows. Which like totally inspired me to give Katie a FASHION MAKEOVER! Well first I took a picture of Katie for the Before part...then the real challenge began! I got a spray bottle, hairbrush, hair spray,and some bows. I tugged and tugged then finally I was finished...with one section of the hair. I sprayed the hair spray all OVER added some bows and I took the After picture! It was sooo fun! You could really see the Transformation! Katie thought she looked like a cat made some "business" in her hair.